💙How to create silk/chiffon stunning visual effect?💙

Whether you’re a professional artist or just starting out with resin art, this silk effect technique can add a unique touch to your creations.

In this blog we’ll guide you through the whole process.

What do you need:

Step 1: Prepare the plastic film

Cut the plastic film to the desired shape and size to fit your mold or surface.

Step 2: Mix the Resin

Follow the Artline Crystal Epoxy Resin instructions to mix the resin and hardener in the correct ratio (2:1 by weight)
Stir slowly to minimize air bubbles, mixing thoroughly for the time recommended in instructions. 

Step 3: Add your Main Colour 

Add Blue Pigment Paste into resin, stir well.

Add Metallic Powder to receive this velvet pearl effect. Stir well.

Step 4: Pour a Thin Layer of Resin

Pour a thin layer of resin into the mold
Use a heat gun or torch to remove any air bubbles.

Step 5: Position the Plastic Film

Carefully place the plastic film onto the tacky resin layer, press down gently to adhere plastic film to the resin, make some wrinkles/waves using your fingers (do not forget to wear protective gloves!) and stirring stick. 

Step 6: Add your second Colour 

Mix another batch of resin.

Add White Pigment Paste into resin, stir well.

Step 7: Pour Another Layer of Resin

Pour coloured resin over the plastic film, making sure it’s completely covered.
Remove any air bubbles with a heat gun or torch.

Step 8: Cure the Resin

Allow the resin to cure fully according to the instructions, typically 24-36 hours for Artline Crystal Epoxy Resin.
Demold the pieces.

Step 9: Finish and Polish

If necessary, sand any rough edges and polish the piece to your desired finish.

Or/and you can gilded your coasters edges to give your coasters a finished look.

Here are more Tips: 

Experiment with different colours and layering techniques to create unique effects!

You can find a detailed Reel How to create silk effect coasters!

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