Honey epoksidna smola - Visoka Viskoznost
Honey Epoxy Resin
Honey Epoxy Resin
Honey Epoxy Resin
Honey Epoxy Resin
Honey Epoxy Resin
Honey Epoxy Resin

Honey epoksidna smola - Visoka Viskoznost


Običajna cena €17,99 Prodajna cena€14,99
Davek vključen. Dostava obračunano na blagajni.

  • Na zalogi, pripravljeno za pošiljanje
  • Inventura na poti

Artline Honey epoksidna smola je epoksi smola z visoko viskoznostjo. Idealna je za izdelavo kakršnih koli elementov in nakita. Smolo je enostavno obarvati, tudi s pigmenti, ki se ne potopijo na dno spojine. Naš dvodelni komplet epoksi smole je preprost za uporabo. Tudi za začetnike je smola pripravljena za uporabo, potem ko sta komponenti A in B zmešani skupaj.

Spojina ima visoko viskoznost, čas strjevanja je približno 30-50 minut, kar olajša delo s tehnikami smole. Ta spojina se lahko uporablja tudi za visokokakovostno zaključno prevleko. Priporočeno za začetnike.

To smolo je mogoče zlahka pigmentirati z dodatkom katerega koli barvila za prozorne steklene učinke ali z pigmentno pasto za neprozoren učinek, ki se prodaja v naši spletni trgovini. Dodajanje kapljice morskega vala bo pripomoglo k ustvarjanju celic in vezanih učinkih.

Komplet vključuje smolo, trdilec, merilno skodelico, mešalne palice, nitrilne rokavice in podrobno navodilo.

Priporočljivo za:

• Smola za ustvarjanje
• Ustvarjanje z geodami
• Površinska končna obdelava
• Kalupi
• Zaključek v obliki kupole


• Debelina vlivanja do 15 mm
• Čas strjevanja: 16-24 ur
• Delovni čas: 30-50 minut
• 2: 1 razmerje

Ključne prednosti:

• Kristalno čisto
• Idealno za slikanje
• Visoka viskoznost
• Zaščita pred porumenjevanjem
• Hitro strjevanje
• brez vonja
• ni strupeno
• Brez VOC -jev
• Samorazdelitev

Podatkovni listi:

Podatkovni list o varni uporabi epoksidne smole Honey (SDS)

Primerjava smole

Kako uporabiti (navodila)

Komplet vključuje smolo, trdilec, merilno skodelico, mešalne palčke, nitrilne rokavice in podrobna navodila za uporabo.

Kristalna epoksidna smola - večnamenska - nizka viskoznost


• Debelina naliva do 15 mm
• Čas sušenja: 16-24 ur
• Delovni čas: 30-50 minut
• Razmerje 2:1

Podatkovni listi:

Artline Honey Epoxy Resin Varnostni list (SDS)

Primerjalna tabela smol

Kako uporabljati (navodila)

Dodajte nekaj ljubezni v svoj dom

Ustvari nekaj izvirnega

Združite svoje ideje v kompozicijo

Izberite svojo smer

Epoksi smola Artline je:

- Proizvajalec epoksidnih smol in polimerov

- Spletna trgovina materialov za ustvarjalnost

- Skupnost ustvarjalnih ljudi

Naše storitve:

- Posvetovanja v klepetu, e-pošti

- Hitra obdelava naročila

- Več vrst dostave

- Plačilo na katerikoli način

Let's get to know our different resins!
Artline Crystal Epoxy Resin Artline Honey Epoxy Resin Artline Extra Honey Epoxy Resin Artline Wood PRO Epoxy Resin Artline Monolith Epoxy Resin
Key advantages:
• Multipurpose
• Crystal clear
• Bubble Free
• Ideal for painting
• Non-Yellowing
• VOC Free
• Odorless
• Ideal for Resin Art
• Crystal clear
• Bubble Free
• Ideal for painting
• Non-Yellowing
• VOC Free
• Odorless
• Ideal for Sophisticated Art
• Crystal clear
• Bubble Free
• Ideal for painting
• Non-Yellowing
• VOC Free
• Odorless
• Ideal for Wood and Countertops
• Crystal clear
• Bubble Free
• Ideal for painting
• Non-Yellowing
• VOC Free
• Odorless
• Ideal for Extra Deep pouring
• Crystal clear
• Bubble Free
• Ideal for painting
• Non-Yellowing
• VOC Free
• Odorless
Recomended for:
• Casting of decorative objects, countertops
• Decorations, jewelry
• Wood stabilization (priming)
• Casting volumetric fillings (layer by layer)
• Creating lacquer effects (thin coating)
• Resin Art
• Geode Art
• Small objects
• Decorations, jewelry
• For Sophisticated Resin Art Techniques
• Resin Art
• Geoda Art
• Wood and Wood slabs
• Concrete
• Porous and Large surfaces (counter tops, floors)
• For Extra Deep pouring
• Transparent Art objects
What Are The Characteristics Of Each Resin?
Mix Ratio (A:B) by weight
2:1 2:1 2:1 3:1 3:1
Mixed Viscosity
Low 1200-1550 mpas Medium 3300-3500 mpas Extra 4400-4700 mpas Low 1200-1550 mpas Low 1200-1550 mpas
Working time
1 hour 30-40 minutes 30-40 minutes 10 hours 24 hours
Full curing time
24-36 hours 24-36 hours 24-36 hours 36-48 hours 160 hours
Maximum pour thickness
>up to 15-20 mm >up to 15-20 mm >up to 15-20 mm up to 30 mm up to 100 mm
Safe for Food Contact
All our resins are safe for food contact (non suitable for food preparation) after a full cure
Shelf life
Unopened: 2 years; Opened: 1 year

Customer Reviews

Based on 72 reviews

I liked the resin; the only thing is that the hardener smells a little fishy 🤎


I'm a beginner craftsman; I've tried a lot of resins, and this one has become my favorite! The gloss is excellent; it’s easy to work with, not too thick, and hardens well! I recommend it. Products made from it do not look like plastic; it does not spoil molds.


Excellent resin, no bubbles, applies well, hardens and becomes so pleasant to the touch, smooth and transparent like a tear. Before this, I bought it from another manufacturer, and this one is better.


I was disappointed with the measuring cup without a scale, the kneading stick without a brand, and the gift not arriving; I will not order from this seller again.


This is not the first time I’ve bought Artline resin. I like the product, and the expiration date is OK (the only thing is that the date on the box does not match the date on the bottles), but in general, I have no complaints about the manufacturer. Thank you for the excellent resin!
The quality of delivery is somewhat depressing. The bottle with component B is upside down, and it’s a miracle that nothing spilled, and everything is intact. The brochures are wrinkled, and there is a lot of debris from the box. These are little things, but not very pleasant. When I ordered from the Artline website, the package was much neater!

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