Pigmentna Pasta, 20 g
Pigmentna Pasta, 20 g
Pigmentna Pasta, 20 g
Pigmentna Pasta, 20 g
Artline Pigment Paste Yellow is designed for tinting 2-component epoxy resins.If you are looking for opaque or semi-opaque effect, this pigment paste is ideal decisiPigment Paste Yellow, 20 g - Artline Epoxy Resin
Artline Pigment Paste Yellow is designed for tinting 2-component epoxy resins.If you are looking for opaque or semi-opaque effect, this pigment paste is ideal decisiPigment Paste Yellow, 20 g - Artline Epoxy Resin
Pigmentna Pasta, 20 g
Artline Pigment Paste Yellow is designed for tinting 2-component epoxy resins.If you are looking for opaque or semi-opaque effect, this pigment paste is ideal decisiPigment Paste Yellow, 20 g - Artline Epoxy Resin
Artline Pigment Paste Yellow is designed for tinting 2-component epoxy resins.If you are looking for opaque or semi-opaque effect, this pigment paste is ideal decisiPigment Paste Yellow, 20 g - Artline Epoxy Resin
Pigmentna Pasta, 20 g

Pigmentna Pasta, 20 g


Регуларна цена€63,00
Укључен порез. поштарина израчунато на каси.

  • На залихама, спреман за испоруку
  • Инвентар на путу

Artline Pigment Paste je dizajnirana za nijansiranje 2-komponentnih epoksidnih smola.
Ako tražite neproziran ili poluproziran efekat, ova pigmentna pasta je idealna odluka.
Možete mešati boje zajedno da biste kreirali svoju paletu.
Pigmentna pasta je visoko koncentrisana, tako da vam je potrebna samo mala količina da biste postigli željenu nijansu.

Dostupan u 41 boja, uključujući zlatnu i srebrnu

Sve pigmentne paste su upakovane u tegle od 20 g

Kako se koristi:

• Mešajte pre upotrebe
• Dodajte do 3 g pigmenta u odnosu na 1 l epoxida (ili 6% ukupne smeše).
• Dodajte malu količinu i gradite dok ne dobijete željenu boju.
• Dobro promešajte dok ne dobijete jednoličnu boju

Tehničke karakteristike:

Kako koristiti (uputstva)

Početnik u smoli? Možete isprobati naš sve-u-jednom početni ili premium komplet

Артлине епоксидна смола је:

- Произвођач епоксидних смола и полимера

- Интернет продавница материјала за креативност

- Заједница креативних људи

Наш сервис:

- Консултације у цхату, е-маил

- Брза обрада поруџбине

- Неколико врста испоруке

- Плаћање на било који начин

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
The pigment set is a game-changer!

The pigment set is a game-changer! So many vibrant colors to choose from. It added a whole new dimension to my resin creations. Highly satisfied!

Fantastic product!

Fantastic product! The 30-color set is a dream for any resin artist. Beautiful pigments and excellent consistency. Will be purchasing again!

Amazing set! Valuable offer! Don't miss it!

This epoxy resin color paste set is amazing, I was looking for something similar for a while anf here you go, finally I found it! They have a really valuable offer for the set, only 63 euros - amazing price for 30 jars! All colors are nice, and looks just like on the website, several blue shades, which is great for my ocean resin art

Looks amazing!

Very happy with this color palette, this was my birthday present, haven't tried it yet, but looks amazing

Very good set, recommend!

Set is fine, all 30 jars are packed in cardboard box. 2 jars out of 30 jars spilled a little bit, but it's ok, each jar is packed in seal foil so other colors do not get dirty

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