Return, Exchange and Refund Policy – Artline Epoxy Resin
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Expressdelivery in 24 to 48 hours
Hassle-free returns30-day postage paid returns

Return, Exchange and Refund Policy

We suggest considering several most common situations with returns:


1. You placed an order, but changed your mind and want to cancel your order and get a refund.


Please choose carefully prior to placing your order to be sure you have chosen the right product for you.

If you have any doubts or thoughts, please contact us by email or chat or whats app and we will help you to choose the right product for you!

Order is not shipped yet:

If your order has not processed to ship yet and you want to cancel your order, there will be a 5% cancellation admin fee. Hence, we will only be able to refund 95% of the order amount.

If you would like to cancel your order on this stage please contact us through email or chat or whats app.

Order is already shipped:

Unfortunately we're unable to make any changes to the order that is already shipped from our warehouse.

You will be charged for delivery and return (will be deducted from your refund) as it is paid directly to our transport and logistics partners.

In this case 5% cancellation admin fee is also applied.


Please always use a tracked shipping method to be sure we know where your return is.

Our Return address is:

Na pántoch 18, 831 06 Bratislava, Slovakia

Once your return is received and checked, we will send you a confirmation email to notify you that we have received your order back. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund (it should be in its original package)


A typical refund will take up to 10 days from the moment the goods are received by the warehouse, with up to 14 days for it to make its way through the banking system.

If more than 14 days have passed since we’ve approved your return, please contact us by email.


2. You placed an order, received it, the product is absolutely fine, but you changed your mind and want to cancel your order and get a refund.


If you still would like to return, you will be charged for delivery and return (will be deducted from your refund) as it is paid directly to our transport and logistics partners.

In this case 5% cancellation admin fee is also applied.

If you would like to cancel your order on this stage please contact us through email or chat or whats app.

Once you received your order, we will ask you to ship it back to us within 28 days using one of the discussed courier services. Or, as an alternative, we will send you a prepaid return label.

Please always use a tracked shipping method to be sure we know where your return is.

Our Return address is:

Na pántoch 18, 831 06 Bratislava, Slovakia

Once your return is received and checked, we will send you a confirmation email to notify you that we have received your order back. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund (it should be in its original package)

A typical refund will take up to 10 days from the moment the goods are received by the warehouse, with up to 14 days for it to make its way through the banking system.

If more than 14 days have passed since we’ve approved your return, please contact us by email.


3. You placed an order, received it, the product is damaged/defective/wrong, and want to exchange or cancel your order and get a refund.


    If you received damaged, defective products or incorrect order, or items are missed we will replace/send the missing ones.

    Please contact us by email or chat or whats app immediately within 3 days from the date of receipt and provide us with following information:

    • your order number
    • short description of damaged/defective/wrong/missed items
    • attached photos or even video

    To be eligible for an exchange, your item must be unused, unopened, and in its original packaging.

    In some cases (sometimes there is no need to send the damaged product back to us) we will ask you to ship your damaged/defective items back to us using one of the discussed courier services. But first you need to contact us to understand the issue.

    Please always use a tracked shipping method to be sure we know where your return is.

    Our Return address is:

    Na pántoch 18, 831 06 Bratislava, Slovakia

    Once your return is received and checked, we will send you a confirmation email to notify you that we have received your order back. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.

    If you do not want to wait for the exchange for a long time, we recommend you to place a new order.

    Please be aware we have a list of non-exchangeable items:

    • Workshop fees
    • Workshop packages
    • Gift cards
    • Downloadable software products
    • Measures of personal protection (masks, gloves)

    If you want to receive a refund instead of exchange, please let us know as well.

    A typical refund will take up to 10 days from the moment the goods are received by the warehouse, with up to 14 days for it to make its way through the banking system.

    If more than 14 days have passed since we’ve approved your return, please contact us by email.

    Return, Exchange and Refund Policy