đHow to calculate the quantity of component A and component B in Epoxy Resinsđ
One of the most FAQ when it comes to Epoxy Resin is the accuracy needed in calculating the proportions between the two components.
Here is a small guide to correctly calculate the ratio between A and B components:
Our Epoxy resin kits (Resin + Hardener) are already mixed in the right proportion for you.
But what if you do not want to use the whole bottle of resin at once?

Tip #1
Always measure proportions of component A and B by weight, not by volume.
The epoxy resin and hardener components have different densities, so the mix ratio by weight will ALWAYS be different than the mix ratio by volume.
For example, an epoxy that has a 1:1 mix ratio by volume, may have a 100:83 mix ratio by weight, because the epoxy resin and hardener components have different weights.
So, we recommend you to check the Epoxy Resin label first. For Artline Epoxy Resins always measure by weight.
Always use scales to measure!
Most of our resins have 2:1 proportion or ratio. What does it mean?
It means 2 parts of Resin and 1 part of Hardener. Ratio is the amount of A and B to be used to harden a compound.
Tip #2
For the first time we recommend doing a small test to understand how the resin works and whether the purchased product is really for your craft.
How to mix the quantity of A with a quantity of B properly?
- Verify the mix ratio (2:1 or 3:1 for Artline Epoxy Resins)
- Figure out how much mixed epoxy (resin and hardener combined) you need.
If you need help estimating the amount of epoxy needed for your project, use our Epoxy Calculator.
- Take a plastic measuring cup that can hold the total amount of resin and hardener.
- Always use the precise mix ratio, donât add extra resin or hardener to speed up the cure of epoxy or the craft wonât cure properly.
Tip #3
You need a scale sensitive enough to accurately measure the amount of resin and hardener youâre mixing. A digital gram scale is great for smaller quantities â you could even use a food scale set to grams.
To measure epoxy components by weight, do the following:
1.Put a plastic measuring cup on the scale and set the scale to zero.
- Add the required weight of epoxy resin (component A).
- Leave the cup in place and zero the scale out again.
- Add the required weight of hardener (component B) to the same cup.
Itâs important to set the scale to zero before you add the epoxy resin, so the weight of the cup isnât included.
We hope those tips were helpful for you guysđ
If you have any questions about mix ratios, measuring epoxy, or working with epoxy, please reach out to us for answers: info@artline-resin.eu

hola me gustaria saber los precio de la recina y tambien el contacto de ustedes de la empresa para poder hacer pedidos del producto
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