⚜️Gold Leaf Techniques⚜️
Gold Leaf is gold that's been hammered into a thin foil and is usually sold in sheets or rolls.
It’s often used to decorate picture frames, books, and even food.
Gilding is the process of applying Gold Leaf. It requires specialized supplies, such as gilder’s clay and brush. However, gilding is actually quite easy to master. All you need are an object to gild and some patience.

If you decide to decorate your painting with Gold Leaf, be sure you have everything you need:
- Clay
- Soft synthetic brush for clay
- Soft paintbrush, preferably natural bristle brush to smooth the surface
Important: if you intend to cover a large surface, then gloves will come in handy. Avoid long-term hands contacts with a Gold Leaf to reduce the oxidation process.
If you decide to decorate your resin artwork, here are some application techniques we have picked up for you:
After pouring the resin, distribute your Gold Leaf evenly where you want to see your pattern. Move your Gold Leaf with a spatula or wood stick in different directions. Use a heat gun or torch and keep it always moving in a back-and-forth motion by breaking the Gold Leaf into geometric pieces and creating mosaic effect.
“Gold Leaf Mix”
Simple, but beautiful techniques.
To get a bit of layering within the clear resin and Gold Leaf mix, use a toothpick to push down a few of the Gold Leaf flakes. Mix the Gold Leaf with your Resin, so the Gold Leaf breaks into many pieces. This will help give it more of a three-dimensional type of look. Pour the Resin and your Gold Leaf Mix is ready😊
You can use our Gilding Flakes for "Gold Leaf Mix" effect 👌
Keep your windows closed. A whiff of a breeze can send your Gold Leaf flying!

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